The Heart System

Functions of the Heart and Small Intestine

Anatomical diagram of the heart and small intestine.


Western and Eastern medicine know that the heart controls blood vessels and circulation. Additionally, Western medicine says the heart facilitates the movement of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones. Additional aspects from an Eastern perspective are that it controls sweat and houses the “Shen,” which is equivalent to the mind.


From Western definitions, the small intestine breaks down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates and facilitates absorption into the bloodstream. From Eastern definitions, it governs ingested fluids and foods, separating the “clean” from the “impure”. It sends food to the Large Intestine for reabsorption.

How Can Nutrition Support the Heart System?

Within all of the organ systems, there are foods that support the health of the system, as shown in the image to the left. There are also foods to avoid in order to support the systems. For example, foods to avoid to improve the health of the heart system include canned foods, high-fat and high-sugar foods, salt, red meat, canned foods, and whole milk.

The Five Elements

Of the five interrelated Elements, the Heart and Small Intestine are associated with Fire. To learn more about the Fire Element in TCM, click the button below: