Essential Harmonies, LLC

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Getting the KEYS!

Nov 3, 2021-The sky is solid gray and the rain is spitting down on the sidewalk. It is the type of day that drives the cold into your bones. I am shivering under my fleece coat and thick scarf. I am not sure if I am shivering from the cold because today I am picking up the keys to the new office space.

This day may very well be both the most exciting day and the most fear-inducing day I have experienced since the first time I was allowed to ride the Twister at my local fair. That being said, I’m pretty sure I don’t have any vomit in my future this time.

This is the day that I have been working toward for nearly three months. As I wait in the lobby for the property manager to meet me I feel awkward. I recognize that feeling. It is the feeling that I don’t belong here. I’m not good enough to be here. I somehow don’t deserve this. These are the inner thoughts running through my head. Unfortunately, I think many of us have to deal with thoughts like these at times.

Sadly, many of us believe those lies, but I am trying to resist. Right now, right here, as I stand in this new office and look around, I say out loud, “I deserve this! I am growing! I am becoming all that I was meant to be!” Say it with me…” I deserve this abundance!”, “I am worthy of this abundance!”

This new office is filled with possibilities. Possibilities of even more abundance, even more growth, even more fabulousness! (Wait, is that a word?) I am learning to let go of the things that don’t serve me any longer. I am learning to shut down the negative voice inside me. This new office is going to be my launching pad. The possibilities are endless. Come on this journey with me!

Endnote: As I was typing this, I saw a sweet little face peek over my window sill. It was the sweet child of one of my new business neighbors. They have a puppy too! I just know this is going to be amazing! Now I am ready to begin this next phase!