Resistance is futile!

Fall 2021, Oct 23rd- They say “It all begins with an idea” but I have never found that to be true. For me, it always seems to begin with a shove. This time it was no different. Right when I thought that I was at the maximum of what I could handle, I was shoved toward the next trust fall. Seriously, who needs this many trust falls in their life? Consistent with my previous behavior my first response is to resist. Let’s just say I’m not a big fan of change or falling.

Anyone will tell you that I talk a whole lot about being fluid, flowing, and flexible. I talk about bending with the Winds that rush through our lives and letting our branches bend with the pressure so that they don’t snap. I opine on allowing the Water to carry us along the rushing rivers of life as we glide sleekly past the rocks and logs that inevitably jam up the flow. And yet, here I am resisting like a champ. You can’t see it, but in m mind, my fists are clenched and I’m screaming “Noooooo”!

I have said it before and I’ll probably say it again, (maybe I’ll listen this time), the Fall is the time of letting go. Releasing that which is not serving us. Cleaning out, clearing up, and tucking in. All of this in preparation for Winter, the time of hibernation and restorative rest. Fall is calling me to unclench my fists and release what I have become so attached to, so comfortable with. Fall challenges me to release the chaff and store the seed over Winter so that in Spring new growth can burst forth.

Fall is also the season for grief. Maybe it is time for me to mourn, to grieve the passing of a phase. Maybe it is time for me to let go of my preconceived notions about who I am and what I am capable of. Yes, I must admit this (but don’t tell anyone), I never believed I would be here. I mean where I am today as a doctor of acupuncture, an herbalist, a researcher, and an owner of a small but thriving medical practice. It is all quite inconceivable. And yet, it is time to let that lack of belief go. Strip away the internal doubter and silence that negative voice inside.

I can succeed. I am capable of growing my practice and expanding. I am powerful, strong, and intelligent. I can do this. During this Fall of letting go, I will release the ideas I have of myself that are not serving me and embrace the coming Winter. I simply cannot continue to fight the cleansing change that Fall brings. Resistance is futile. With an open hand, I welcome the Fall and all that it has in store for me.

Being the leaf on the stream of life,


Getting the KEYS!


Time For Change