Essential Harmonies, LLC

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Time For Change

Fall 2021, Oct 16- I guess I got too comfortable. I felt that I had found some stability in my practice. I guess I had forgotten what my original goals were. I think that the act of daily living, the “daily grind”, started to wear down my dreams.

From a traditional medicine point of view, the Fall is the time when there is a chill in the air and the leaves begin to turn color. The rain gets cold and the sky holds clouds that have turned dark. It happens to be my favorite time of year. I love the crisp bite in the air, the windy nights blowing leaves around the yard, and swishing through the branches of the trees.

The interesting thing about Fall is that what is really happening, is the earth is preparing to go into hibernation. In order to do that, things must die off. I mean, if you are going to hibernate you can’t do that with a whole bunch of baggage. It is time to let it go…cue the song!

It is only fitting then that I have had to realize that it is time for me to let some things go as well. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, things look very different than when I first started my journey as a practitioner of the healing arts.

I want to announce that I will be expanding my practice. What does that mean? Well, first it means that I will be working like crazy. But it also means that I am moving my practice to a bigger place. I have been looking for a place and hopefully, I will find a place that I can grow into. I will be keeping you up to date as things progress. Just know that I am only looking into the local area, within 1 mile of the current office space.

Can’t wait to see what comes next and I’m happy you are coming along for the ride!
