The Liver System

Functions of the Liver and Gallbladder

Anatomical diagram of the liver and gallbladder.


From a Western perspective, the gallbladder stores and releases bile.

From an Eastern perspective, it influences the quality and length of sleep as well as judgment and the capacity to make decisions.


From a Western perspective, the liver filters blood, neutralizes and removes toxins, creates bilirubin to break down old red blood cells, and produces bile.

From an Eastern perspective, it also governs emotional states, regulates the flow of Qi, influences digestive functions and muscular activity, and houses the “Hun,” similar to the concept of the soul or spirit.

How Can Nutrition Support the Liver System?

Within all of the organ systems, there are foods that support the health of the system, as shown in the image to the left. There are also foods to avoid in order to support the systems. For example, foods to avoid to improve the health of the liver system include alcohol, coffee, canned or frozen foods, fatty foods, and nuts.

The Five Elements

Of the five interrelated Elements, the Liver and Gallbladder are associated with Wood. To learn more about the Wood Element in TCM, click the button below: