Personal Diffuser for Essential oil aromatherapy…

Meet PIA-Your personal aromatherapy diffuser…

  • PIA package with lid off to see product inside

    Surprise in the mail

    Recently, I was elated to receive a package from the wonderful folks at PIA. They had contacted me to try out their personal essential oil diffuser and I couldn't wait to open it and see what was inside. My anticipation had been building ever since I'd heard from them and I was thrilled to finally get my hands on the product.

  • Unpacking

    Once I opened the package, I was immediately taken aback by the craftsmanship and attention to detail that had gone into the design of the diffuser. Made with organic bamboo, it is elegantly carved and has a smooth finish. The diffuser pin is secured tightly into the holder and has an organic cotton filament. As an added bonus, the package comes with two extra filaments and a fabric protector, so the diffuser could be stored safely when not in use. It was clear that PIA had put a lot of thought and care into their product.

  • PIA diffuser laying on a dark green leaf

    Using it

    They recommend only using 100% essential oils in the diffuser - anything blended with a carrier should be avoided. After careful consideration, I decided to try eucalyptus globulus, as my lungs had been feeling a bit stressed due to allergies. And let me tell you, the results were remarkable! One puff and my lungs felt immediately clearer. This diffuser is nothing short of miraculous, and I highly recommend giving it a try.