Restore the Yang.

Ancient Essentials Formulations

Essential Oil Ingredients

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger (Zingiber officianle)

Ginger has been used for centuries around the world for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It was one of the first products to travel the Great Silk Road from Asia to Europe. Ginger oil is warming, invigorating, and decongesting. It has a broad range of actions on the whole system. In particular, it is strongly stimulating and tonifying to the Yang energy of the Spleen/Stomach system. It also strongly tonifies the Heart, Lung, and Kidney systems. It is a circulatory stimulant and tonic of the Heart system and can strengthen the Yang-energy of the Kidney system. Ginger is also known for its powerful ability to drive out Cold pathogens.

Cinnamon leaf (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

Fresh cinnamon leaves of true cinnamon grow fastest during the monsoon season. Ancient Chinese manuscripts dating back to 2800 BCE have been found that reference the use of cinnamon leaves. Cinnamon leaf oil is invigorating to the Blood and supports the Qi of the Spleen system. It can also be used to Release the exterior when there has been a Cold Pathogen invasion by inducing a sweat.

Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata)

Ylang Ylang is indigenous to Southeast Asia and has long been one of the most important raw materials for perfume making. Ylang Ylang oil is deeply calming by nature and has a supportive action toward the Heart system. The oil works to clear Heat from the Heart and harmonizes the Shen thereby calming the nervous system and reducing nervous tension. Ylang Ylang also supports the Kidney Qi bringing balance to the Heart and Kidney connection. Ylang Ylang helps to reduce anxiety and the urge to withdraw, gently encouraging the unlocking of deeply blocked feelings and emotions.

Basil leaf (Ocimum basilicum)

Sweet, herbaceous, and fresh, Basil has been used as both a culinary and medicinal herb all the way back to the Ancient Egyptians. Basil oil can soothe the nervous system and reduce the effects of acute stress related conditions. This oil is nourishing to the Liver Yin and supports the Qi of the Spleen system. It helps to calm the mind (Shen) and relax constrained Qi.

Virginia Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana)

Native to northern Europe, south-west Asia and North America. Prehistoric dwelling sites in the Swiss lakes were found to have the remains of juniper berries. Dry and woody, Virginia Cedarwood oil has an action on the Lung, Kidney, and Bladder systems. It also has an effect on lymphatic circulation. Primarily decongestant it gently tonifies the Spleen system to drain water-dampness.

Warms and Tonifies the Yang and Kidney Systems.

The traditional formula of You Gui Wan inspired this blend which contains the pure essential oils of Cinnamon Leaf (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Virginia Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana). Pure Grapeseed oil is used as the carrier.

Kidney Yang deficiency occurs when the system has become overtired or exhausted. This may be a result of being frequently run down or from a prolonged illness. By warming the Kidney Yang, vitality can be restored. For best results simply apply Restore The Yang to your chest bone (sternum) and ribs before a gentle stretching session.

$27.50 -10ml

Ancient Essential Oils are perfect for an

Acu-point Treatment.