Restore the Yin.

Ancient Essentials Formulations

Essential Oil Ingredients

Ylang Ylang flower (Cananga odorata)

Ylang Ylang is indigenous to Southeast Asia and has long been one of the most important raw materials for perfume making. Ylang Ylang oil is deeply calming by nature and has a supportive action toward the Heart system. The oil works to clear Heat from the Heart and harmonizes the Shen thereby calming the nervous system and reducing nervous tension. Ylang Ylang also supports the Kidney Qi bringing balance to the Heart and Kidney connection. Ylang Ylang helps to reduce anxiety and the urge to withdraw, gently encouraging the unlocking of deeply blocked feelings and emotions.

Frankincense (Boswellia carterii)

The tree that is native to the Middle East and North Africa, produces a milky-white substance that hardens into what we can recognize as Frankincense resin. This resin has played a leading role in civilization all the way back to the ancient Egyptians. Frankincense oil is strongly active on the nervous system, both relaxing and revitalizing the body. This oil acts to smooth and move the flow of stagnant Qi caused by an accumulation of stress or emotions that has led to irritability, insomnia, or restlessness. Some sources consider Frankincense oil as working to strengthen the immune system and thereby supporting the Defensive or Wei-Qi.

Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides)

Vetiver is a tall, tightly packed perennial grass but for the oil only the roots are used. The use of the roots is said to be an aspect of this oil’s ability to ground and center. Vetiver has been used frequently by the perfume industry and it’s earthy, rich tones lend it to an anchoring position in the blend. Vetiver is cools, moist, and energetically Yin by nature. Vetiver oil can clear Heat, cooling and calming a hyperactive mind and reinforcing the Earth element.

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

The effectiveness of Sage has been recognized since antiquity especially by ancient Greek and Roman practitioners who use it for many common maladies. Sage oil is pungent and sweet supporting the Earth and Metal elements. It tonifies the Qi, nourishes the Blood and strengthens the Spleen system to by resolving Dampness. Sage oil can also relieve fatigue and depression associated with a Qi deficiency and Shen weakness.

Nourishes and Tonifies the Yin and Kidney Systems.

This formula is based on an ancient formula known as Zou Gui Wan. It contains the pure essential oils of Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata), Frankincense (Boswellia carterii), Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides), Sage (Salvia officinalis) all in a pure carrier oil of Grapeseed.

One way to fall into a Kidney Yin deficiency is by burning the candle at both ends with long work hours. Excessive intake of caffeinated drinks may also drain the Kidney Yin. Many medications do this as well. Restoring the Kidney Yin begins with rest and relaxation. Simply apply Restore the Yin anywhere you would like and then take a nice relaxing Epsom salt bath for best results.

$27.50 -10ml

Ancient Essential Oils are perfect for an

Aroma-point Treatment.